The Necromancer's Pact - sale and steam!

Hi everyone!

I have exciting news to share: The Necromancer's Pact is going on a 50% off sale until the Steam release! Yes, you heard it right! Thanks to your amazing support, I am thrilled to announce that my tiny game is coming to Steam! It was a bit challenging, but I finally managed to tie everything together.

What’s New in the Update?

  • Controller Support: You can now play the game with a gamepad or just a keyboard. It's not perfect yet, but I hope it's enough to enhance your gaming experience.
  • Easier Later Levels: I noticed that some of you found the later parts of the game harder to hit 3 stars. To address this, I’ve lowered the requirements for achieving higher scores, making it a bit easier.

Thank you all for your continued support. Your feedback has been invaluable in making this game better. Grab the game now at 50% off and get ready for the Steam release, where you will receive your Steam keys!

Happy gaming!


The Necromancer's pact 259 MB
26 days ago 260 MB
61 days ago 260 MB
61 days ago

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